Which scene has been voted “The Most Erotic scene in Indian cinema ever”?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
What did he want?
He represented the Marmagoa parliamentary constituency twice from 1967-1977.
Although Erasmo was a member of the Opposition, he was known to be on good terms with Indira Gandhi. During the Emergency, a large number of Opposition leaders were arrested. Erasmo de Sequeria was a notable exception. He became the Opposition's voice in the Parliament.
On one occasion, Indira Gandhi invited de Sequeira to join the Congress. She assured him that he would be made a Deputy Minister. When he refused, she offered to make him a Minister of State. He refused again, saying that he did not want that too. She then told him that she could not make him a cabinet Minister due to his inexperience.
When Indira finally asked de Sequeira what he wanted he replied something that made him famous, or infamous depending on how you look at it.
What did he want?
Id this tamil phrase
______ is a thin triangular wedge (usually made of metal) used in carpentry to split wood or hold half-split wood. _________ means to hit. So this phrase literally means hit/split by a wedge implying a failure.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What became of the image below?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Movie ending.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"A Letter To A Royal Academy" was composed in response to a call for scientific papers from the Royal Academy of Brussels. Franklin believed that the various academic societies in Europe were increasingly pretentious and concerned with the impractical. Revealing his "bawdy, scurrilous side," Franklin responded with an essay suggesting that research be undertaken into methods of improving the characteristics of _____ .
The essay was never submitted but was sent as a letter to Richard Price , a Welsh philosopher in England with whom Franklin had an ongoing correspondence. The text of the essay's introduction reads in part:
I have perused your late mathematical Prize Question, proposed in lieu of one in Natural Philosophy, for the ensuing year...Permit me then humbly to propose one of that sort for your consideration, and through you, if you approve it, for the serious Enquiry of learned Physicians, Chemists, &c. of this enlightened Age...... That the permitting this _____ to escape and mix is usually offensive to the Company.
The essay goes on to discuss scientific testing of ___. Franklin also suggests that scientists work to develop a drug, "holesome and not disagreeable", with the effect of rendering ______ "not only inoffensive, but agreeable ". The essay ends with a pun saying that compared to the practical applications of this discussion, other sciences are ______
Copies of the essay were privately printed by Franklin at his printing press in Passy. Franklin distributed the essay to friends including Joseph Priestley. After Franklin's death, the essay was long-excluded from published collections of Franklin's writing but it was included in X: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School , a 1990 collection of Franklin's humorous and satirical writings.

Connect with Pic. A traditional use of the song is as a funeral march. In the funeral music tradition of New Orleans, Louisiana, often called the "jazz funeral", while accompanying the coffin to the cemetery, a band would play the tune as a dirge. On the way back from the interment, it would switch to the familiar upbeat "hot" or "Dixieland" style. While the tune is still heard as a slow spiritual number on rare occasions, from the mid-20th century it has been more commonly performed as a "hot" number. The number remains particularly associated with the city of New Orleans, to the extent that New Orleans' professional football team was named the New Orleans _____, after the song.
Both vocal and instrumental renditions of the song abound. Louis Armstrong was one of the first to make the tune into a nationally known pop-tune in the 1930s. Armstrong wrote that his sister told him she thought the secular performance style of the traditional church tune was inappropriate and irreligious. However, Armstrong was in a New Orleans tradition of turning church numbers into brass band and dance numbers that went back at least to Buddy Bolden's band at the very start of the 20th century.
The tune was brought into the early rock and roll repertory by Fats Domino and by Bill Haley & His Comets.
It is nicknamed "The Monster" by some jazz musicians, as it seems to be the only tune some people know to request when seeing a Dixieland band, and some musicians dread being asked to play it several times a night. The musicians at Preservation Hall in New Orleans got so tired of playing it that the sign announcing the fee schedule ran $1 for standard requests, $2 for unusual requests, and $5 for this song. (This was in early 1960s dollars. By 2004 the price had gone up to $10.)
The song is apocalyptic, taking much of its imagery from the Book of Revelation, but excluding its more horrific depictions of the Last Judgment. The verses about the Sun and Moon refer to Solar and Lunar eclipses; the trumpet (of the Archangel Gabriel) is the way in which the Final Judgement is announced. As the hymn expresses the wish to go to Heaven, it is entirely appropriate for funerals.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The real reason for this steriotype comes from Nadir Shah's invasion of India. His troops passed through Punjab after plundering Delhi and killing thousands of Hindus and Muslims , and taking hundreds of Hindu women as captive. The Sikhs decided to attack Nadir Shah's camp and free the captive women. Being outnumbered by Nadir Shah's huge army, they could not afford to make a frontal attack. Instead, they used to make guerrilla raids on Nadir Shah's camp during midnights, free as many captive women as possible, and return them to their homes in order to "restore the diginity of the Hindu community".
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The name X means True North, but some, in the context of the Indian victory, have construed the name to mean Real Answer, signifying India's Real Answer to Pakistan's aggression. The Town of X however has a different name given after the War for a very Specific Reason.
What's the name of the town? Id X as well as the New name. I could not upload the pic clue ( Internet speed at the I lab still sucks!) Anyway, it's a pic of General Patton.
But there is a better, more valid and probably less patriotic (?) reason as to why in 1947, India was one of the poorest nations in the world.
The discovery of vast quantities of ______ in the U.S. and various European colonies all contributed to an event known as 'The fall of the Rupee'.Suddenly, An Indian Rupee could not buy as much as before.
Why? Put fundaes...
An attempt at a longer definition has been made by Archbishop Desmond Tutu ...
A person with X is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.
Nelson Mandela explained X as follows;
A traveller through a country would stop at a village and he didn't have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food, entertain him. That is one aspect of X but it will have various aspects. X does not mean that people should not address themselves. The question therefore is: Are you going to do so in order to enable the community around you to be able to improve?
How do we better know X???
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Clap box?
Cicero dicit fac hoc
The X and Judy show can trace its roots to the 16th-century Italian commedia dell'arte. The figure of X derives from the Neapolitan stock character of Pulcinella. He is a manifestation of the Lord of Misrule and Trickster figures of deep-rooted mythologies.
In the British X and Judy show, X wears a jester's motley and is a hunchback whose hooked nose almost meets his curved jutting chin. He carries a stick, as large as himself, which he freely uses upon all the other characters in the show. He speaks in a distinctive squawking voice, produced by a contrivance known as a swazzle or swatchel which the professor holds in his mouth, transmitting his gleeful cackle— "That's the way to do it". So important is Mr X's signature sound that it is a matter of some controversy within X and Judy circles as to whether a "non-swazzled" show
The story changes, but some phrases remain the same for decades or even centuries: for example, X, after dispatching his foes each in turn, still squeaks his famous catchphrase "That's the way to do it!!"
The storry typically involves X behaving outrageously, struggling with his wife Judy and the Baby, and then triumphing in a series of encounters with the forces of law and order (and often the supernatural). The classic ending of the show has him upending the Devil himself, exclaiming "Huzzah huzzah, I've killed the Devil!".
What term evolved from X's iconic exclamations ???