Might be too simple!!
But anyway put fundae or just tell me what it is and for who?!?!
A strictly limited edition of 68 eggs were produced, with all profits from the sale of the eggs going to the X Foundation. The first egg from the collection is now on permanent public display at the X Airport.
Faberge egg?
hmm yea..but which one is this?? anyway its rather simple now!!
nice da Tamizh
Its the knights templar one da..
heh .. who knows ..
Shiite mudd too much!!
But no da, sadly its not tht!!
The Rothschild one?
No man!!
Dunno da. Faberge easter egg?!
Something Faberge made for erstwhile Russian royalty?
iron cross?
your right tamizh its a Faberge easter egg but i wanna know for whom!!
Not Russian royalty either rashmi!!
Give u a clue..the first one of these series is kept in an airport..named after the person!!
Charles de Gaulle?
Lol no da GCP!
Got it.. 'superlative' one, Ded :)
george best
Viki got it(or was it wiki? :P)
and ranjiv off course :)
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