ok ... kindly have a look at the pussy and the doggie pics.
now for the text accompanying it ...
Jagdgeschwader 1 was formed in World War I, and was a composite fighter group made up of four squadrons, originally comprised of Jastas 4, 6, 10 & 11, on June 24, 1917 with X as commander. JG 1 became known as the _______________ because its fighter planes were painted in bright and distinctive color schemes for easy identification during dogfights. JG 1 and its supporting logistical infrastructure travelled by train to whatever part of the front-line they were needed, often at short notice. After X's death in April 1918, Hauptmann Wilhelm Reinhard became JG 1 Commanding Officer. After Reinhard was killed in a flying accident Oberleutnant Hermann Göring became JG 1's third and last commander of the war. From June 1917 until November 1918, JG 1 claimed 644 Allied aircraft destroyed, 52 pilots killed.
ok ... now for the question.
identify 5 pics ... the first pic is very random ... so just use it as a clue !!
ID. X in the aforementioned doc.
Connect and put full fundaes.
dogfight lol
the movie is the blue max , which is a nickname for the pour le merite medal shown below. The red baron led the squadron . it was called the flying circus. movie is baed on the red baron roughly some conspiracy theory that he was forced to take a perilous mission to his death etc. Now the Swat Kats episode where the Red lynx comes is based on this. Blue Max made into Blue Manx for mayor manx..lol
what abt the cat pics ...
lord sidcup... thanks to you, one question is scrapped from nittfest 09...
de idiot ... this was from festember lone wolf da ...
@rao btw ... name the cats da ...
what are the cat pics da ?
ok ... answer for this da ...
basically connect is to do with the swat kats ...
the ovie is the blue max ... and thats the nick for that medal ...
the texr is abt baron von richthofen aka the red baron ... thats his flying circus that was very effective during ww 1 ...
the swat kats connect comes from the fact that the red baron inspired the episode "the ghost pilot"
now this ghost pilot is actually a revisitation by the spirit of the red lynx (a red baron inspiration)... this red lynx was shot down by an ancestor of Mayor Manx.
now the two cat pics ... that black plump cat is manx cat ...
the other one is the lynx cat ...
and the first pic ... such world war one air battles were known as dog fights.
full fundaes for the question.
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