Monday, January 5, 2009


1. Complete the list: Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Ed Binns, Jack Warden, _____ _____, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Robert Webber.

2.Australian researchers IJ Bear and RG Thomas examined the problem of the abnormally rapid response in natural seed germination following the introduction of water in regions long subject to drought or desert conditions. They suggested that “petrichor” (their coinage), associated with claylike soils, along with “geosmin” was the reason for a distinctive phenomenon which we are all familiar with. Apparently, our senses can detect one part in a hundred billion of geosmin. What phenomenon?

3. The song's reign at number one in the United Kingdom and Ireland occurred as the regions were hit by extreme rainfall and flooding, which led The Sun to suggest the two events were related, with the media referring to it as the "X Curse". The UK-based publication adjudged the single brought bad luck to their country, and mentioned the date of the single's video shot which was Friday the 13th, adding further coincidence of the curse. Before the single's release in May 14, weather temperature in the United Kingdom, London, Athens was relatively high, of which the latter's have reportedly reached to 20 °C. However, just a day after the release, "severe weather warnings hit the headlines".In an article run by The Sun, it urged readers to join the campaign in knocking the songs off the chart's top spot, suggesting the readers with several songs to download instead.Coincidentally, the precise day the song was dethroned in the chart, the weather seemed to improve.


ID the character in black, and the person on whom it is based.


Skythe said...

2) That fresh earth smell after rains?
3)Why does it always rain on me? :D

Hariharan said...

skythe.. jobless freak.. always first answer.. beating me to the post twice in a row now.. frustration getting too much to handle..

and ya.. second is the man vaasanai..

rest i shall give out later.. lol

Sungl said...

think second one is peter..anyways skythe and kutty are right..first one,think henry fonda,12 names,ergo 12 angry men..third and fourth no clue..

The Mudd said...

1 and 2 correct...
3 skythe is on the right track (working out wise).. but diff genre...

Sungl said...

4th is the song version of the famous story, 'The Umbrella Man' and the curse is the guy who wrote the story ( dont remember who) :P

The Mudd said...

3rd...very close sunil... not the story part of it but.

Sungl said...

wat well no idea..though my next guess would be the musical version of 'rainman'.. :P

The Mudd said...

since noone seems to be tryin...
3. Umbrella by Rihanna
4. MC Hammer...the character is caled Hammerman