Friday, January 2, 2009

connect karo bhai....


Skythe said...

I found the answer when I wasn't actually looking for it :S
Slightly arbid though..

chicken_dinner said...

he he...

ill give the clueless a clue...


chicken_dinner said...

you guys will die off with laughter if you hear the answer...:P

chicken_dinner said...

ok...let me know if anyone wants to know the answer

tsv said...

do give out the answer da.tried connecting but in vain

Practical Henry said...

Yes, give out answer. Mudd told me the answer on gtalk. Nice question!

Skythe said...

Heh hes already given out the answer..

chicken_dinner said...

he he...yeah...

its about people dying off while laughing da...

joker kills people like that...

In flying circus, there s this "The Funniest Joke in the World" which is used in the ww2 to kill people...

in who framed....the only way to kill toons is to either use a solution called "the dip" or make them laugh till they die...

prak is a char from "hitch hikers..." who dies off laughing when he sees arthur...

answer is fatal hilarity