Saturday, January 24, 2009


The ___________ debate was an impromptu debate (through interpreters) between then U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev at the opening of the American National Exhibition in Moscow, on July 24, 1959. For the event, an entire house was built that the American exhibitors claimed anyone in America could afford.The _______ debate was the first high-level meeting between Soviet and U.S. leaders since the Geneva Summit in 1955. It has also been called “splitnik,” a play on words of the Soviet Union’s satellite Sputnik. The two men discussed the merits of each of their respective economic systems, capitalism and communism. The debate took place during an escalation of the Cold War, beginning with the launch of Sputnik in 1957, through the ­U-2 Crisis in 1960. Most Americans believed Nixon won the debate, adding to his domestic prestige. It was recorded on color videotape, a new technology pioneered in the U.S.; during the debate Nixon pointed this out as one of the many American technological advances. He also boasted achievements such as dishwashers, lawnmowers, supermarkets stocked full of groceries, Cadillac convertibles, makeup colors, lipstick, spike-heeled shoes, hi-fi sets, cake mixes, TV dinners, and Pepsi-Cola. It was Nixon’s emphasis on America’s household appliances, such as the washing machine, that helped give the event its title, “The _______ Debate.”Fill up......


MaVeRicK said...

The Kitchen Debate/Conference

Siddharth Krishna Kumar said...
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Siddharth Krishna Kumar said...

guys, really sorry.i never realised it was titled LVC and u were waiting for more mistake..those four pics have to be connected..kuchi here

Siddharth Krishna Kumar said...

here is the link to the ques.

vazha said...

The kitchen debate it is..